Saturday, November 26, 2011

Best Friend

Beagles and their urge to chew
It is their destiny to be shrew
You give them food, they gobble it up
For every treat they’d waddle or sit up

Raw hides or chew toys are not enough
They even munch the inedible stuff
Carpets or sofas, take your pick
These in my tummy, make me sick

Chomping, munching and gobbling
Canine jaws working at gnawing
Whatever they see in the mouth it goes
In the tummy out the poop by joes!

Beagles and their urge to chew
But their loving friendship is few
They look up with those expectant eyes
What they dislike most is goodbyes

Right next to your sitting form
They cuddle up close to you at home
Licking away tears off your cheeks
Cheering is their business, they are not meek

Sensitive and depressed they feel
Love is their next best meal.
In quiet they lick their wounds
Uncomplaining remain these hounds.

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