Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Road Well Travelled

I see a path before me
Well-travelled and snow trodden,
Snow banks high as night
Curves lay the road ahead hidden

It is a road well-travelled
That I stand to take,
The way many have chosen,
Hard decision for me to make;

There are smaller paths
Off on the sides through snow,
Few have trudged on them before,
Through shortcuts they must know,

I look at the road just travelled,
My footprints trailing in snow,
The journey was long and hard,
Legacy dictates where I must go!

I see the path before me,
Ready to travel on,
I put one foot ahead of me,
Step by step spring along.

It is on a road well-travelled
That I have chosen to take,
My discovery is my own,
With all the turns I will make.

1 comment:

PC said...

Life sure is a road well traveled. You brought the words to life, makes one ponder.