Sunday, January 20, 2013


Knots of a manji bed
intricate web of connection…

A knows B who is related to C
C is connected to D who has ties with E
E is linked with F who is attached to G
G is associated with H who is joined with I!

And I know many from each one of these knots
with some I am tied and others I choose not,
the manji bed is a medley of connections
where everyone knows everyone else
ties that are binding, but some may come loose
with too much pressure, by chance or I choose.

I is joined with H who is associated with G
G is attached to F who is linked with E
E has ties with D who is connected to C
C is related to B who knows A.

We all know so many everyday
through long strings or firm knots,
the manji bed is like a delicate web
uniting and binding the whole lot.

Each string held taut to hold us within its frame
making a foundation to embrace the endgame.

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