Sunday, June 24, 2012

What Am I?

I am the trunk of a tree!

As the trunk, I mature with age, become stronger over time and if my roots are well grounded, I can weather storms and hold on to most of my branches;

Some of my branches, like people in my life will bear fruit, some will toughen and flourish while others, more fragile may wither away or not be able to withstand powerful winds;

As my roots deepen with age just like my relationship with the whole family, they become sturdy and help keep me standing upright against all odds;

Just like the soil nourishes my roots to help them grow and be anchored, the values and principles I hold strong cultivate me to stay resilient.
Just as the trunk of a well grounded tree, I stand strong,
nurtured by the values of my soil,
powered by the roots of my family,
reaching for the sky with flourishing branches of the people in my life.

I am the trunk of a tree!
and I stand strong!

1 comment:

PC said...

Nice analogy. The visual is well done.