Freedom is
absence of bondage, free of shackles tightly strung around the neck, hands and
ankles. To be free is to breath without fear of persecution, of
ex-communication, or of denunciation. To be free is to live without fear of
Then there
are subtle bondages under the guise of custom, religion, caste, gender,
ethnicity, age and even sexual orientation. Societies and cultures have
seemingly evolved, but that is an illusion.
by definition, is to move forward, develop from simple to more complex, which it
feels like this should mean a higher mind. However, for humans that seems to
have not happened, at least not in the time of recorded history. Forward it has
not moved, but exactly the opposite it seems. Our brains may be getting more
studied, but are minds are shrinking to a size even smaller than that of the
beings of the animal kingdom. At least, those creatures only hunt when
necessary, for food or defense, but humans not only hunt for pleasure, but also
their own kind – another human being to enslave them.
evolve, world changes, but some things remain the same. However, my concern on
the topic of freedom is beyond the external chains or confinement one person
puts on the other. I delve deeply on the lack of liberties we allow our own
selves and the lines of limits we draw around us. Freedom is a state of mind.
For some
women, marriage is a kind of bondage where they lead their lives under the
oppression of their abusive husbands or in a joint family, their freedom is
limited by the demands and expectations of the elders in the family unit. Girls
and young women are restricted as soon as they are born in many countries and
cultures. Their freedom of movement is limited in the guise of protecting their
honor. Their choices of clothing, or mannerisms controlled lest a finger be
pointed on their character. The social pressures lead to family adding pressure,
resulting in an oppressed girl child who grows up to be afraid, diminutive,
weak because that’s what she had been led to believe all her life. Thus, the
young woman takes away her own freedom to live to her potential, puts her heart
and mind in chains, submits to the authority of the male member in her family
and is forever in servitude to another human being.
comes in many shapes, forms and sizes. There are chains we see and those that
exist in our mind. It is the power within to rise above the oppressed to a
limitless sky and become free!