Sunday, October 14, 2012


She sleeps soundly,
her eyelids soft and tender
open eyes alert and knowing.
She is innocent no more!

She speaks sparingly,
her lips shapely and delicate
moving mouth smart and mature.
She is child no more!

She skips seldomly,
her legs strong and long
determined steps dogged and decided.
She is naïve no more!

She loves wholeheartedly,
her heart large and solid
clear cause noble and selfless
She is fragile no more!

She dresses tastefully,
her clothes stylish and sophisticated
elegant form formidable and classy.
She is uncertain no more!

She appreciates flavors,
her taste cultured and complex
distinguished palate distinct and decisive.
She is whiner no more!

My baby’s all grown up,
my pride and remorse torturous
desire to hold on or let go.
She is bird in her nest no more!

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