Monday, January 30, 2012

Survival - PART THREE


Reshma nestled the toddler in the crook of her arm, grasped Hema’s fingers with her free hand and walked down the steep slope towards the city.  They walked the streets aimlessly traversing the bazaars, meandering through the shops their mouths drooling at the smell of freshly fried bread, the spicy potatoes or wholesome lentils.  Reshma managed to procure a few pieces of fried bread to temporarily satisfy their tiny stomachs.  As night began to descend on them like a haunting shroud, the girls huddled closer.  They walked in search of shelter or to escape the darkness.  When they could walk no more, they found themselves outside a tall wall that separated a massive structure with a cross at its gate from the sidewalk.  Spreading out her grandmother’s dull shawl close to a street lamp, Reshma helped her sisters settle in for the night.  A second shawl, a bright red with tattered edges that had belonged to their mother she spread over them.  Three bodies huddled together under the bright shawl fell into a blissful slumber as they inhaled their mother’s lingering aroma.  The girls made this sidewalk their home and every night they lay huddled sandwiched between their two shawls.  Hunger was the next dilemma they were faced with especially not all scavenging days were rewarding.

One morning, just a few weeks in their new “home”, the girls saw a kind face smiling at them from the big gate with the cross.  A woman dressed in white from head to toe stood there with a basket in her hand.  She looked just like an angel.  The girls could smell comforting aromas emanating from the basket as they licked their lips and held their tummies to mute the loud growls.  The angel reached inside the basket, removed a loaf of bread and offered it to them.  With a shy smile, Reshma took a tentative step towards the gate, took the food and ran back to her sisters.  As soon as the angel had returned to the structure inside the gate, the three sisters sat leaning against the wall to enjoy their first breakfast ever.  From then on every morning they woke to find the angel offering them bread.  The nights grew less crisp and the snow receded higher up the mountain range.  Green leaves started to sprout on the trees and the girls woke up feeling more rested.  They continued to scavenge but nice weather also brought hordes of tourists on their way to mountain treks.  The sisters earned enough from begging to buy fresh food to satisfy their hunger.


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